Bioassay Service Offerings

We work with you through the development process from discovery through to approved product release testing.

Drug Development Stages

Bioassay Service Offering

Bioassay Services Overview

Potency Assays

  • GMP potency assays of biologicals
  • Focus on in-vivo and cell based potency assays
  • Full value chain offered:
    • Development
    • Validation
    • Routine

Value Add

  • Tailor-made Mode of Action Assays (NBEs)
  • Proof of Concept
  • Product/Process Development
  • Biosimilar Studies
  • Batch Release

Functional Bioassays

  • Binding Assays
  • Neutralisation AB-Assays
  • ADCC and CDC
  • Primary Blood Cell Assays

Value Add

  • Compound Selection
  • Characterization
  • (Pre-) Clinical Study

GLP & Other

  • GLP Tox, Safety & in-Chemico
  • Pharmacokinetics
  • HPLC
  • Focus areas include:
    • Pharma
    • Chemicals
    • Cosmetics

Value Add

  • Compound Selection
  • Registration Support
  • Complementary in-vitro and in-vivo services

Example potency and functional assays that we have developed:

Efficacy / Safety assay examples

In addition to the examples listed here, we have developed many bespoke assays for clients. Contact us to discuss running a routine assay or development of a novel assay for your program.

Your Development Partner

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